Government best practices

Design Systems and Style Guides

Initially focused on Design Systems used by U.S. Federal agencies, and looking to include more in the Open Source Government space. Naming things is fun, no? You call it Style Guide, he calls it Playbook, I call it Design System, or perhaps Living Style Guide; whatever it is let’s list it.

U.S. Federal Agencies

Organization Name GitHub
TTS U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) uswds / uswds
CFPB Design Manual cfpb / design-manual
CFPB Capital Framework cfpb / capital-framework
CMS, HHS Style Guide CMSgov /
CMS, HHS Assets Framework none?
FCC Design Standards FCC / design-standards
ODPHP Health Literacy Online none?
OPM Design System USAJOBS / design-system
USPTO UI Design Library uspto / designpatterns
VA Playbook > Design department-of-veterans-affairs / vets-website

U.S. States

Organization Name GitHub Style Guide none?

U.S. Municipalities

Organization Name GitHub
Boston, MA Brand Guidelines cityofboston
Washington, DC Web Style and Standards DCgov
Philadelphia, PA Patterns City of Philadelphia
Chicago, IL Chicago Design System City of Chicago

Civic Organizations

Organization Name GitHub
Code For America Code For America Style Guide codeforamerica / Forge Pattern Library DoSomething / forge
Sunlight Foundation Data Visualization Style Guidelines (PDF) -
Urban Institute Data Visualization Style Guide UrbanInstitute / graphics-styleguide


Organization Name GitHub
Bristol, UK City Council Bristol, UK Style and Front-end Toolkit BristolCityCouncil / web_styles
Canada Web Experience Toolkit (WET) wet-boew / wet-boew
GOV.UK Service Manual alphagov / service-manual-frontend
GOV.UK Design System alphagov / govuk-design-system Design Standards scottishgovernment / Content Standards scottishgovernment /
ONS (UK) ONS Pattern Library (Beta) ONSdigital / pattern-library
Swiss Confederation Swiss Confederation Web Guidelines swiss / styleguide
Australian Government Australian Government Service Manual govau / service-manual
Australian Government Australian Government Design System govau / design-system-components
Singapore Government Singapore Government Design System GovTechSG / sgds


While this may list some User Experience Resources specific to Gov, this resource is not looking to document every possible resource for UX/Usability/Human Factors/etc.

Needs more